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Uighur Empire

Lemuria and Atlantis Studying the Past to Survive the Future by Shirley Andrews

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180Edgar Cayce tells us that at an international conference held in 50,722 B.C., representatives from five countries assembled in Atlantis to discuss a permanent solution to the problem of the omnipresent dangerous wild animals that were overrunning the Earth. The Atlanteans provide transportation to their country in what may have been the first flying vehicles, airships that contained gas and resembled balloons. [1 Cayce, Readings 953-24] People from Lemuria, the Uighur Empire in the Gobi, west and north Africa, and the Carpathian Mountains of central Europe came to the first conference. Delegates from Peru and India were included in later meetings.
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184-185Uighur Empire

The wild and barren Gobi desert in Northeast Asia was once a fertile and beautiful land, where the Uighur Empire prospered during the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. The magnificent cities of the Gobi, including the capital of Kara Khota, are well-remembered in Far Eastern stories and legends. From the Chinese we know that the successful Uighur Empire was at its height around 17,000 B.C., and it spread from the Pacific westward through Asia and northern Europe. [13 Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu]

After struggling to dig down through fifty feet of gravel, boulders, and sand, Russian explorers finally uncovered ruins of Kara Khota south of Lake Baikal. From remains in the city, archaeologists determined that the Uighurs knew astrology, mathematics, writing, reading, and medicine. They mined extensively, made textiles, and engaged in agriculture. Long before the history of Egypt began, the Uighurs made statues of gold, silver, bronze, and clay and were experts in decorating silk, metals, and wood. [14 Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu]

Atlantean priestesses frequently traveled to the distant land of the Uighurs to minister to the people and teach them the power of right and wrong. [15 Cayce, Readings 1273-1, 1648-1, 3420-1] They worked together with the Lemurians, who joined them to teach the tenets of the Law of One. The two cultures are memorialized in an ancient painting of a Uighur queen and her consort. Poseidon's trident, a symbol of Atlantis, appears with the queen, and lotus buds, symbolic of the land of Mu, are arranged at her feet. [16 Churchward Ibid., p. 162] Cayce's references to a City of Gold, a Temple of Gold, and a Temple of the Sun in Mongoloid land [17 Cayce, Readings 1648-1] lend support to the Chinese legends that describe the prosperity of the Uighur Empire in the Gobi in the distant past.

When the biblical flood destroyed the eastern half of the Uighur land, the few people who remained were reduced to living in extremely primitive conditions. [18 Churchward Ibid., p. 291] Today the desert's shifting sands cover the bones of these talented people and their long-forsaken cities, but some day space satellites will detect additional enlightening evidence of them beneath the desert floor.

Many believe that Shambala, the home of the highly evolved mystics and scholars who exist in another dimension, is positioned over the Gobi Desert. [19 Milanovitch, Sacred Journey to Atlantis, p. 145] Esoteric tradition adds that when their land disappeared, Lemurian priests migrated to Shambala, where the highest known vibrations on our planet make it possible for them to more easily contact spiritual realms.