Podcast #37
James Churchward's Paintings
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 41.1M |
Length 4:04 |
Date December 27, 2024 |

Podcast #36
Churchward's Theories on the Lost Continent of Mu A synopsis...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 416.8M |
Length 18:12 |
Date November 24, 2016 |

Podcast #35
Dr. Jeb Card and the Mu Stones Fresh insight into an undiscussed chapter of American archaeology...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 856.5M |
Length 01:01:24 |
Date May 29, 2016 |

Podcast #34
What's the difference between Lemuria and Mu? An answer to a frequently asked question...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 103.1M |
Length 00:06:45 |
Date Dec. 14, 2015 |

Podcast #33
2014 My-Mu.com Research Update An update for My-Mu.com research for 2014...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 167.5M |
Length 00:13:54 |
Date Jan. 5, 2015 |

Podcast #32
2013 My-Mu.com Research Update An update for My-Mu.com research for 2013...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 54.7M |
Length 00:04:40 |
Date Jan. 4, 2013 |

Podcast #31
2012 My-Mu.com Research Update An update for My-Mu.com research for 2012...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 31.9M |
Length 00:04:45 |
Date Nov. 25, 2012 |

Podcast #30
Mystery of Cuerva del Tayos (Tayos Cave) An interview with Stan Grist, a long-time researcher...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 198.5M |
Length 00:17:15 |
Date Oct. 27, 2012 |

Podcast #29
James Churchward and the Mongols This podcast is a meager attempt to dispel and repudiate an ugly and insulting stereotype used by my great-grandfather, James Churchward in his writings...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 57.5M |
Length 00:08:32 |
Date Jul. 27, 2012 |

Podcast #28
2011 My-Mu.com Research Update This has been another busy and exciting year at My-Mu.com, your source for information on James Churchward and his theories of a lost Pacific Ocean continent that he called Mu...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 62.5M |
Length 00:07:16 |
Date Nov. 25, 2011 |

Podcast #27
Ancient Aliens and James Churchward In a previous podcast entitled, "James Churchward and Space Aliens," I attempted to address the phenomena of Aliens and how...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 162M |
Length 00:13:35 |
Date Oct. 15, 2011 |

Podcast #26
The 2010 Naacal Tablets Non Discovery James Churchward in his 1926 "Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Man," wrote about his discovery of the ancient inspired writings of Mu that he called the Naacal Tablets...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 53.1M |
Length 00:09:12 |
Date Sept. 10, 2011 |

Podcast #25
Awakening to Higher Consciousness Transformation Conference Jack Churchward spoke at the Awakening To Higher Consciousness Transformation Conference in Rogers, Arkansas on June 10th, 2011...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 406.5M |
Length 00:35:22 |
Date June 20, 2011 |

Podcast #24
Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets March 2011 Update James Churchward wrote that he saw and translated a portion of the Naacal Tablets while on famine relief duty in India and claimed that they were the collected wisdom of the priestly Naacal Brotherhood of Mu...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 90M |
Length 00:09:52 |
Date Mar. 13, 2011 |

Podcast #23
Visit by Radik Kurbanov of Allya Ayat Last October (2010), Radik Kurbanov of the Allya Ayat movement visited my home. Radik is an ethnic Uyghur from Kazakhstan...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 18M |
Length 00:03:41 |
Date Feb. 20, 2011 |

Podcast #22
My-Mu.com 2010 Research Update This has been another busy and exciting year at My-Mu.com, your source for information on James Churchward and his theories of a lost Pacific Ocean continent that he called Mu...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 25.5M |
Length 00:08:14 |
Date Dec. 20, 2010 |

Podcast #21
Did James Churchward earn the rank of Colonel? Part Two This is part two of a two-part podcast examining the evidence to answer the question, "Did James Churchward earn the rank of Colonel?" ... in this podcast we will examine evidence to the contrary...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 49.7M |
Length 00:09:46 |
Date Nov. 20, 2010 |

Podcast #20
Did James Churchward earn the rank of Colonel? Part One This podcast will examine the evidence to answer the question, "Did James Churchward earn the rank of Colonel?" In the first part of this two-part presentation we will examine the evidence that indicates James was a Colonel...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 42.3M |
Length 00:07:35 |
Date Sept. 2, 2010 |

Podcast #19
Mid-2010 Great Uighur Empire Research Update Continued research into the Great Uighur Empire, as described by James Churchward in his books on the Lost Continent of Mu has yielded new avenues of research that may corroborate James' theories...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 33.4M |
Length 00:06:28 |
Date July 24, 2010 |

Podcast #18
James Churchward and the Muurish Empire Washita In researching my great-grandfather James Churchward, I am sometimes confronted with references to his works... This commentary podcast documents yet another example of the use of James Churchward's theories that does not agree with his written works, although he is used as the source...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 100M |
Length 00:09:37 |
Date June 25, 2010 |

Podcast #17
Review of the "Temple of Mu" Video A few years ago, a relative from Down Under sent me a DVD copy of a television program that he had seen and recorded on his VCR...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 27.4M |
Length 00:04:38 |
Date May 8, 2010 |

Podcast #16
Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets Recently, I was directed to the Project Camelot video interview with Klaus Dona, the spiritual archaeologist. In this interview, the following was presented...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 17.4M |
Length 00:04:24 |
Date April 7, 2010 |

Podcast #15
Genetics and the Lost Continent of Mu I ran across a Youtube video in the recent past that took a pretty hard-line stance against James Churchward's theories and credited "his family's website" for proving that Mu was 100% false...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 53.5M |
Length 00:08:12 |
Date March 17, 2010 |

Podcast #14
James Churchward's Theories Part 1 This presentation is the start of a series to provide a glimpse of James Churchward's theories of the Lost Continent of Mu - as he wrote about it...more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 90.9M |
Length 00:10:07 |
Date Feb. 6, 2010 |

Podcast #13
James Churchward & Race Being that racial issues have been mentioned, discussed, and dissected in the news on a frequent basis, it seems like a good time to discuss James Churchward's theories with regard to race. This presentation expands upon an email exchange last year and is based solely on my thoughts and impressions... more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 52.9M |
Length 00:08:45 |
Date Nov. 21, 2009 |

Podcast #12
Relics of Mu Revisited "In this podcast, I want to revisit the topic of the Ancient Relics of Mu from March 2007.
From the comments posted in Youtube, it appears that the message was misinterpreted.
To summarize that podcast briefly... more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 28.5M |
Length 00:05:51 |
Date April 26, 2009 |

Podcast #11
October 2008 Update "This past year has been busy and we have continued to collect data and continue the research.
First, our bookstore with three E-Books has made the three available as a CD. Included in the titles are "Ancient Medes as Ancestors of the Magyars of Europe" and "America as the Prehistoric Cradle of the Caucasian Race" by Doctor Joseph Cserep. These are translations of letters .... more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 22.6M |
Length 00:04:25 |
Date Oct. 4, 2008 |

Podcast #10
Update on the Great Uighur Empire Research "In a January 2008 blog entry entitled "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Tahsin Mayatepek & Mu (Part 1)", I related that I was in contact with individuals that could provide information concerning the ever-elusive "Great Uighur Empire.".... more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 19.4M |
Length 00:05:19 |
Date Sep. 2, 2008 |

Podcast #9
James Churchward & "The Christ Conspiracy" Part 2 "When I originally started on the "James Churchward & 'The Christ Conspiracy'" video podcast, it was my intent to simply state that my great-grandfather, James Churchward, would not have endorsed the theories of Acharya S (also known as Dorothy M. Murdock)... more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 19.0M |
Length 00:03:35 |
Date May 31, 2008 |

Podcast #8
James Churchward and Space Aliens "In researching my great-grandfather James Churchward, ... This commentary addresses the links between James Churchward and Space Aliens... more |
Format Video (mv4) |
Size 66.6M |
Length 00:08:15 |
Date April 6, 2008 |

Podcast #7
James Churchward and the "Christ Conspiracy" "In researching my great-grandfather James Churchward, ..., today I want to address a specific instance of an author using James' works to prove a theory that he himself (that is, James Churchward) did not espouse... more |
Format Video (mp4) |
Size 26.8M |
Length 00:10:33 |
Date Nov. 25, 2007 |

Podcast #6
October 2007 Update "This past year has been busy. Since our last podcasts were released in Spring of 2007, we have continued to collect data and continue the research... more |
Format Video (mp4) |
Size 10.8M |
Length 00:04:12 |
Date Oct. 31, 2007 |

Podcast #5
Daughters of James Churchward? "Recently two pictures surfaced with a curious caption "Col. Churchward's children Olga Muriel 1873 Gladys Stella 1874"... more |
Format Video (mp4) |
Size 19M |
Length 00:07:12 |
Date April 15, 2007 |

Podcast #4
Relics of Mu "One of the criticisms of James Churchward's theories about the Lost Continent of Mu is that he provided no physical evidence of the daily lives of the people of Mu.... more |
Format Video (mp4) |
Size 12.5M |
Length 00:04:43 |
Date March 13, 2007 |

Podcast #3
Update on the Research - October 2006 "This past summer has been busy at my-mu.com, although unless you have visited the website, you may not have noticed it... more |
Format Audio (mp3) |
Size 8.8M |
Length 00:07:38 |
Date October 26, 2006 |

Podcast #2
An Interview with Dick Lowdermilk "This short, unrehearsed interview was recorded with Dick Lawdermilk of South Carolina..., recently published the 1936 biography of James Churchward entitled, My Friend Churchey and His Sunken Island of Mu... more |
Format Audio (mp3) |
Size 11.9M |
Length 00:10:24 |
Date April 29, 2006 |

Podcast #1
An Introduction "Today I wanted to say a few words about who I am and why I have started these efforts... more |
Format Audio (mp3) |
Size 10.9M |
Length 00:09:35 |
Date Dec. 29, 2005 |